Biofeedback Health Solutions, LLC Fostering Mind-Body Connections Biofeedback, Neurofeedback & Health Counseling, 317-201-6903
Biofeedback Health Solutions, LLC
Good health requires a harmony of body, mind and spirit.
Description of Services
The following services are designed to complement and enhance an individual's current health care regimen.
Biofeedback is a powerful self-regulation therapy. Learners become more aware of how their body reacts to certain situations and develop skills to better control their body and mind. Biofeedback measures skin temperature, heart rate, respirations, muscle tension, brainwaves (neurofeedback), and skin moisture. Multiple simultaneous measurements, using state-of-the-art equipment, are “fed back” in the form of audio and visual displays. Dr. Cise is board certified in biofeedback (BCB) and neurofeedback (BCN) by the Biofeedback Certification International Alliance. (
Health Counseling
As a nurse counselor Dr. Cise's focus is health promotion and wellness through self-care strategies. She works with clients individually and in small groups. A client-centered approach to coping with health, life events, and relationships involves helping the individual come to self-understanding and full functioning. Counseling is seen as a partnership and the role of the counselor is to facilitate the discovery of strengths and the development of new skills to increase one’s health and self-growth. Dr. Cise is an advanced holistic nurse (AHNC) certified by the American Holistic Nurses Association. (
Relaxation is about focused attention and coming into synchrony with our own natural rhythms. A relaxation response has a physical effect on the body, i.e. lowers blood, pressure, reduces anxiety and supports the immune system. Some examples of relaxation techniques are autogenic and progressive relaxation, body scanning, and breath work.
Guided Imagery For Health and Wellness
Guided Imagery is an intervention that supports a person’s desire to come to a better understanding of oneself, increase their control and alter personal health habits. It allows for the full sensory experience of a situation safely within the imagination. By experiencing the situation in the imagination, the individual can explore the previous circumstances and the consequences of the lived experience.
Self Reflective Guided Imagery (SRGI) is a type of guided imagery that encourages relaxation, self awareness, introspection, and self dialogue. In SRGI the imagery exercises support the individual's own imagery system. This means that the individual is encouraged to bring forth their own images rather that those suggested by the counselor.
During Interactive Guided Imagery (IGIsm) the person is guided in an imaginary dialogue with an image to explore and reveal its meaning and relevance to one’s problem or issue. These images can provide important information about the problem as well as the person's beliefs, expectations, fears, resources and solutions. Jan Cise has studied with David Bressler and Martin Rossman and is certified in Interactive Guided Imagery. (
Therapeutic Touch
Therapeutic Touch (Krieger- Kunz method) is a contemporary interpretation of several ancient healing practices. The focus is within the human energy field and does not necessarily involve body contact with the client. Research has demonstrated relief of pain, headache, anxiety and promotion of relaxation. A practitioner of Therapeutic Touch since 1984, Jan Cise has received training under the guidance of Dolores Krieger and Dora Kunz. Dr. Cise is recognized as a Qualified Therapeutic Touch Teacher (QTTT) by the Therapeutic Touch International Association. (